"Faith is seeing light with your heart, when all your eyes is darkness."
Author Unknown
Adam shows up at Natalie’s place with a baby. He tells her if she is with him she will become a wife and mother, something Tyler cannot give her. He tells her he knows she loves him, but to complete their family. Natalie agrees to marry him just as Tyler visits Malcolm and asks for Natalie’s hand in marriage. Malcolm says yes, but wants to be the Best Man. As they arrive back in Genoa City, Adam and Natalie elope in his penthouse with Father Todd. Adam and Natalie name their daughter Faith Newman; he surprises Natalie with a vacation in Hawaii for him and her. He tells Victor he needs a vacation and switches off Natalie’s phone. He calls Dru and pretends to be Natalie stating she needs a vacation. Tyler and Malcolm are confused as Natalie states she must’ve left her phone at home. Adam makes a phone call and has paparazzi photograph them on vacation together.
Victor gets off the phone with someone and calls Sharon into his office. Sharon comes in and Victor gives her a folder; Sharon thanks Victor as she leaves. She goes to Madison to meet Ronald and Monique Barrit, whom are both very much alive in a nursing home. They state Frank stuck them in a home after stealing their social security checks; they got most of their money back and disowned him. They tell her to stay away from Frank. Back in Genoa City Sharon tells Frank to leave; confused he asks why. Ronald and Monique walk in. Cassie is there and confused as well. Frank admits he lied. Sharon tells him he hasn’t changed since high school and still a manipulative person; he tells Sharon he loves her and Cassie. Cassie tells Frank that she hates him and wants him to leave. Frank apologizes to Ronald and Monique before leaving. Sharon and Cassie hug as Nick comes in. He says he had a feeling something was going on and wanted to see if he can help. Cassie tells him about Frank; Nick leaves in anger. In his car on the ranch Nick confronts Frank, but as Nick opens the door Frank falls out dead. The police arrive and see that Frank called them. Paul thinks Nick killed Frank and Frank called to get help; Nick is arrested.
Cane asks who his mother is. Traci keeps digging and finds out who Cane’s mother is. She gasps as Sheila Carter walks in holding a gun to Traci.
Patty finally clears her schedule to go on a date with Lucas. Their date goes well except Valeria is spying close by. She interrupts the date with a request from Lucas about Luca. In her room she tries seducing Lucas who rebuffs her. Patty comes by to give Lucas his cell phone and misinterprets him having slept with Valeria. When Patty gives him his cell, Lucas asks for a second date. She says no, but he tells her nothing happened with Valeria. Patty doesn’t believe him and leaves. He bangs on Valeria’s door and tells her to stay away from him. Valeria goes to Lance and Leslie to ask for advice dating Lucas. Lance tells Valeria she tricked him into getting pregnant, lied for years, and now expects him to love her? Leslie tries telling Lance that Valeria has changed. Leslie talks to Peggy about how much Patty likes Lucas; Peggy states Patty actually likes Lucas. Leslie and Peggy try thinking of whom they can set up Valeria with to get her off Lucas’ back.
Dru takes Tyrone to Neil’s grave and introduces them. Tyrone tells him he will do his best to take care of Dru. Dru tells Tyrone she has feelings for him but the ultimate test is meeting her family. Meanwhile Devon and Hilary make love and decide to go public with their relationship. He gets a text for dinner at Dru’s; he asks Hilary if she will join him. At Dru’s dinner Hilary and Devon, Daniel and Lily, and Tyrone. Hilary is angered to see Tyrone is dating Dru, Devon’s mother. She states “if you two end up together I’ll be dating my stepbrother.” She pulls Tyrone aside and begs him to end it with Dru as she’s never felt love for someone like this before; he tells her since her mother died he’s never loved someone so strongly. Hilary tells him he is the one that killed her mother. She reminds him how depressed she was and how he never read the signs, and when she killed herself he wasn’t there to comfort Hilary or Tyler. Tyrone apologizes stating he did the best he could but he lost the love of his life. Hilary tells him to sacrifice his happiness for hers; Tyrone breaks up with Dru.
Fen goes to Summer for answers about their baby. She helps him and apologizes. He finally forgives her, but states they are still broken up. With Michael still in rehab, Fen goes to Christine. Christine tells them in order to get their child back it would be wise to appear as a married working couple with a stable home. Summer asks Jack to move into the pool house with Fen for the summer, and they elope. Christine gets the paperwork and finds out their baby is a girl. Kyle and Noah working in Christine’s office find out Summer and Fen’s baby is Faith Newman.