Month 13

"There is no gathering the rose without being pricked by the thorns."

Read the episode below...

Month 12

"Only by confronting your demons can you ever hope to conquer them."
Ellen Hopkins

Read the episode below...

Month 11

"Not everything is as it seems."
Charles Westmoreland

Read the episode below...

Month 10

"God, give me strength each day to fight for my family ."
Nehemiah 4:14

Read the episode below...

Month 9

"The offenses one does to a man should be such that one does not fear revenge for it."
Niccolo Machiavelli
Read the episode below...

Month 8

"If you want to see the sunshine, you have to weather the storm."
Frank Lane

Read the episode below... 

Month 7

"There are no secrets that time does not reveal."
Jean Racine

Read the episode below...

Month 6

"Beauty is the love of a child."
Havelock Ellis

Read the episode below...

Month 5

"Things will get worse before they get better."
Lauren DeStefano

Read the episode below...

Month 4

"You can't calm the storm, so stop trying. 
What you can do is calm yourself. 
The storm will pass." 
Timber Hawkeye

Read the episode below...

Month 3

"Only in the darkness can we see the stars."
Martin Luther King Jr.

Read the episode below...

Month 2

"Every saint has a past. And every sinner has a future." 
Oscar Wilde

Read the episode below...

Month 1

"The more things change, the more they stay the same."
Les Guêpes
Read the episode below...

Characters and Locations

Below are the characters and locations of my fictional version of Genoa City.

Why I Chose to Write This

Welcome to my fan fiction of "The Young & The Restless." I bet you're wondering why I created this page. Well keep reading...