"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."
Robert Frost
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Luca goes to Colleen with the papers that show he’s still married to Natalie. Colleen asks what he wants to do; he tells her he wants to be with her; she tells him she will stay by his side. Luca goes to Natalie; they have an honest conversation about the possibility of getting back together, but Natalie tells him she no longer loves him. She signs the papers and realizes Victor had something to do with this. Natalie confronts Victor about Luca and Adam. Victor doesn’t apologize and tells her he will never not try to protect her; they hug as Victoria walks by and sees. Luca confronts Valeria telling her he knows she did this. She says she only wanted to help. He introduces her to Colleen; just as Natalie introduces Tyler to Victor. Nikki is furious with Victor; Casey slaps Victor for the things he said to Adam. Matt has a talk with Adam about how much he loves him.
Adam is hounded by the press as the one who leaked the recording; Natalie tells Adam she can’t hurt Tyler. Adam states he understands and he will back off, he just wanted Natalie to know the truth. The press turns on him calling him a scheming opportunist. Adam logs online to see he’s being bullied and teased with photos of Natalie and Tyler everywhere. He posts that he hates his life and wants to go now then deletes his social media. He goes to his closet and opens a small box with a gun inside. Adam stares at it before breaking down.
Scott proposes to Traci, and they marry; at the reception Dru asks Tyrone on a date; Devon takes Abby to the wedding who sees Luis; Matt and Casey go with Nikki & Victor together; Natalie and Tyler show up together. Adam leaves after the ceremony sitting near Natalie and Tyler. Abby and Luis catch up from high school; he admits he’s always had a crush on her but assumed she was out of his league. Abby feels bad stating she had no idea. Michael starts having a dark fantasy about him being in the casket; Lauren takes him home. Scott and Traci go to Washington DC for their honeymoon.
Paul finds out who the person harassing Sharon is…Franklin “Frank” Barrit. Paul hauls Frank down to the police station. Sharon confronts Frank who tells her and Nick made Cassie gay. He doesn’t want a gay daughter. Nick tells Frank if Cassie were in his life she would’ve killed herself because of how homophobic Frank is. Cassie shows up and meets Frank. Frank apologizes for not being a part of her life; Cassie tells him Nick and the Newmans have been the best thing for her. They aren’t perfect, but they’re perfect for her. Frank apologizes to Nick and Sharon; Sharon tells Paul she won’t press charges. Frank thanks Sharon and starts reminiscing about their relationship. Nick starts to get jealous; Frank reassures Nick he has nothing to worry about. He asks to see where Cassie grew up. Sharon and Nick take Frank to the Newman Ranch. Old memories of Cassie growing up with Nick and Sharon and Noah. Frank starts to cry stating he has nobody since his parents died. Sharon tells Frank he can stay in their spare room; Nick feels uneasy, but agrees. Pulling her aside Sharon tells Nick she feels bad for Frank as he is Cassie’s biological father. Upset Nick argues Frank may be Cassie’s father, but Nick is her dad and how dare Sharon throw Frank in his face; he storms out. Frank tells Sharon to go after Nick, but she tells him Nick needs to just cool off. Nick goes to The Colonnade Room and bumps into Phyllis. They get drunk and wake up the next morning in bed together.
Cane flashes back to finding the safety deposit box and bumps into Traci. He tells her how he found a safety deposit box and got knocked on the head. Traci does the research for him. She goes to the bank. The bank employee refuses to cooperate with Traci, but after she leaves makes a phone call. Someone slams their hand on the ground. Chelsea is inconsolable that the baby they bought from Summer died. She feels like God hates them and tells Cane he should divorce her. Cane tells her it’s okay and that he loves her. Cane goes to Chloe for help; somehow Chloe and Cane start talking about life and end up kissing. Feeling guilty Cane is about to leave when he turns around and has sex with Chloe.
Summer and Fen are partying when one of the sorority sisters claims one of the frat brothers raped her; they are on opposite sides defending their respective organizations. It begins to tear their relationship apart. Noah finds out he is legally able to withdraw from his trust fund when he turned 18; he goes to Nick to ask for payments, but Nick feels Noah isn’t mature enough yet. Victor overhears and gives Noah some access to his trust fund behind Nick’s back. Noah moves Kyle to a better apartment, buys them better cars, and tells Kyle to quit working giving him a debit card to their joint account. Nick berates Victor for going behind his back and helping Noah. Nick and Sharon want to teach Noah responsibility. Victor states HE set up that trust fund for Noah with HIS money not Nick’s. He states not his kids, grandchildren, or goddaughter will ever want for nothing. Nick tells Victor to back off his kids. Victor tells Nick if it wasn’t for the kids and Sharon, Victor would’ve thrown Nick out on his ass years ago. Nick leaves and tells Sharon they have to find a new place to live.